Are You Considering Opening An In Home Daycare?

Are You Considering Opening An In Home Daycare?

Starting your own Home Daycare Business?

Have you thought about starting your own in home daycare (family child care)? There are a few things to consider before making this decision. Most people think that you are simply just watching a couple of kids, but that is not the case when you are becoming licensed. There are many rules and regulations you do have to follow. There will be pop up state visits that are unannounced to make sure you continue to follow the rules and regulations.

These are some of the questions I would ask myself:

  • Are you okay being home all day with children and no other adults?
  • How do you feel about working from home?
  • Do you understand that children will be children?
  • Can you be disciplined enough to be your own boss?
  • Are you okay talking with other adults and different scenerios?

Are You Okay Being Home All Day With Children And Having No Adult Interaction?

When you hear that you are going to work from home, it sounds amazing! You may not think of the little things like having adult interaction. Working at an office you will be able to pass someone at the coffee station and have a short conversation or taking your lunch break with other coworkers in the lunch room. Working from home and being around children, that adult interaction is very minimal. Yes, you can talk to the child’s parent, but not for long because you do have other children to supervise. It was an adjustment, but in the end it was a good adjustment because I have the freedom of working from home. This aspect wasn’t a deal breaker for me. It may not be one for you either. Just plan a lunch date with close friends on the weekend.

How Do You Feel About Working From Home?

My advice would be to make a list of the good and bad about working from home. Does the good out way the bad? My biggest push to work from home and open a daycare at home was my children. I already was working at a corporate daycare as an Assistant Director and not getting paid what I truly deserve. So, it made sense for me to do what I was already doing, but in the comfort of my home and setting my own prices. Another reason I wanted to work from home was my children. I was paying someone else to watch my kids before and after school so I could go work at a daycare. That was a double whammy for me! I can do both of those things from the comfort of my home.

I was paying $170 a week for my kids before and after school (that is $680 a month). When you work a 40hr work week and pay $170 a week for your kids to be watched, that is a $4.25/hr raise in your pocket if you choose to work from home.

Do You Understand Children Will Be Children?

I ask this question because children will be children. Not every moment with them is flowers and butterflies. There will be hard moments and working from home by yourself you don’t have anyone to back you up when there is a problem. It is you, the child, and communicating with the parents. The nice thing about this though is, it is your business and home, so you do get to make the decision you find best.

I remember when working at the corporate daycare (not going to bash any company) and the director would brush some issues under the rug that defiantly needed to be addressed. Well now I get to address situations I feel need to be addressed and not let it go and bottle up. It just makes for a better situation when you talk things out. If you feel like you can’t handle children acting out, not listening, etc. than this may not be the best decision for you. Just like we as adults have bad days, so do kids.

Can You Be Disciplined Enough To Be Your Own Boss?

This is a huge question to ask yourself! Are you disciplined enough? It is your home business and your responsibility to be the admin, the teacher, the cook, the janitor, the list goes on. You have to do it all. If you are having a bad day you can’t just close work. You have to push through and be their for the kids and families.

If you are like me and you stay organized and stay on top of everything you’ll do great. The beginning is a lot of paperwork with getting licensed and then getting kids enrolled. After that it is just keeping up with it all. Don’t be afraid to speak up to your families. If there is a concern that needs to be addressed or if you need to schedule an appointment. Just communicate and give notice. A lot of times the families understand.

Are You Okay Talking With Other Adults And Deal With Difficult Scenerios?

You do have to have tough skin when it comes to having to have difficult conversations. Whether it be a behavioral problem, payment issue, picking up late, etc. You do not want parents to pick up late and you never address it so they constantly do it. They think it is okay, so they’re going to continue to do it because it was never addressed. If you want your payment made by a certain date,that needs to be addressed. You have policies for a reason and if the parents don’t respect them than they really don’t respect you.

Really ask yourself these questions and find out if it is worth it and what you really want to do. You don’t want to start this business and get fully enrolled and then have to tell these working parents you aren’t staying open anymore. Than they have to go find care again for their kids during the tough times we live in right now.

I have put together a QUICK GUIDE on the process I went through to open an in home daycare here in Ohio where I live. Every state is different with different rules. Always check your state rules!

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