Things To Do To Prepare For Summer For Your In Home Daycare

Things To Do To Prepare For Summer For Your In Home Daycare

Summer is right around the corner and now is the time to start preparing. If there are things that will need fixing or replaced you’ll want to budget for that. I would just walk around your yard and make a list of things that might needing fixing or updated. Then make a list of things you would want to purchase for the kids to play with. This way you can number what is the most important and what is the least important.

broken fence needs repaired

Everything costs so much money right now in the world, so you want to give yourself enough time to get your money together and budget. Some of the things I look at first are the things licensing is going to look at and ding me for if they’re out of compliance.

  • Do you have a fenced yard? Is the gate secured and in tact? Do you have missing boards? No sharp nails exposed?
  • Make sure that all trash and trash cans are stored away from the kids. If you need to build a little fence piece to hide it from the road, you’ll need to purchase wood. I live in an HOA, so my trash can cannot be visible from the street. You can hide it on the side of the home with a tall bush or a fence.
  • Looking for equipment for the kids to play with. You’ll want to check your licensing guidelines because some things need a fall zone material (grass doesn’t count). So, if you do not want to pay extra for fall zone material than look into toys that don’t require it. I bought this toy house for my kids because I also need shade in my backyard for them. (I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.)
  • Another great item to put outside in the backyard for kids to play with are: sandbox (make sure to cover when not in use), water table, etc. I found the perfect one that is a combination of both to save money and have fun for the kids. (I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.)

These are just some of the things you might have to do to get ready for summer. If you run a full summer program with field trips, crafts/activities, t-shirts, etc., you are going to want to start getting that all together.

If you are wondering how to budget for your in home daycare, head over to my blog about how I budget.

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