Cons To Being An In Home Daycare Provider 2022
Just like any job, there are cons to running your own in home daycare. Yes, I do believe the pros out weight the cons when you work for yourself because you can change some things around. Where when you work for someone else, it would be hard to change something to make your con turn into a pro.
You Are Every Role…
When it comes to running your business as an in home daycare provider, you will have to start off by being every role. That means you will be the cook, the janitor, the teacher, the manager, and the nurse. You will have to put on all these hats every single day until you grow and can hire another teacher or get a bigger space. When it comes to doing this, it just take a lot more energy out of you than just having to worry about one single task. Your brain is constantly thinking and figuring out things. So, if you are unable to process and complete all of these roles, than running an in home daycare won’t be for you.
Your Home Feels Like A Workplace
Now that you are turning your home into you in home daycare, it may turn into feeling like not your home anymore. You will have toys, cubbies, cots, small table and chairs, etc. around your space. This can be challenging when the day is over and you want to relax, but you’re constantly reminded of the daycare because that is all you see. The best thing to do to try to help with this issue is to come up with ways to change the scenery. Move things around and reorganize. Don’t have everything out all at once. Kids like change too, so that can help with behavior problems too.
Again, if you don’t want to have this feeling in your home, than having an in home daycare is probably not the best option for you.
Long Hours & Motivating Yourself
When it comes to being a single provider in your business, you have to be reliable at all times. If your hours are 6:30am-5:00pm than you have to be present and aware that whole time. Yes, you may be able to get all your kids down for nap time and be able to get a break. But, sometimes that doesn’t happen. When you work for a corporate company, you will always get your lunch break to get away. Those days you don’t get a down time you need to motivate yourself to keep going.

It is hard to just take a day off, because the parents have brought their kids to you so they can work.
A resolution to this would be upfront with your parents and tell them, “I am taking X amount of days off per year to take time for myself and my family!” As long as you communicate with them and they know ahead of time than it shouldn’t be an issue. Working long days 5 days a week can take a toll on you and it is important to take time for yourself. Take a mini vacation or just take a few days off to sleep in and do what you want to do.
Dealing With Uncomfortable Situations
With owning your own business and being the only employee, it is up to you to diffuse a situation. You do not have anyone to turn to for help. If you are someone that can’t handle difficult conversations and can’t stand up for the right thing, than this isn’t the business for you. You cannot let someone walk over you so than you can avoid a situation. Than no one will take you seriously and it will just make you feel lesser than and unappreciated. Make your policies ahead of time! Give them to your parents before enrollment so they know and understand your rules. If you have a difficult parent and they don’t want come to an agreement or just understand, than you can dismiss them. But, if you are scared to do that, than you are constantly going to have issues and be unhappy.
Does the Cons Out weight?
If you feel like these cons aren’t terrible and you think you can make them work, than go for it! Open your own in home daycare and start running your business. The best advice to receive is, you won’t know if you don’t try!!! Try it out and if it doesn’t work out try something else. That is what is nice about being your own boss. You are in CHARGE.
If you want to check out my blog on how to start your own daycare, head on over to here!