Daycare Activity Painting The Planet Earth in Outer Space

Daycare Activity Painting The Planet Earth in Outer Space

This month our theme at daycare is Outer Space. Today, we talked about the planet we live on, EARTH! This activity is so simple to do with any age and it is completely mess free. I know when I paint with my kiddoes they like to get the paint everywhere. Over the years I have learned that this simple trick helps with any age. I will list this activity step by step on how to complete.

What Supplies Do I Need?

  • Green Paint
  • Blue Paint
  • White Paper
  • Black Construction Paper
  • Saran Wrap
  • A circular object to trace to make the Earth circular (if your a good free hand drawer you don’t need an object to trace)

How Easy Is It To Make The Planet Earth

Step 1: After you have cut your circular Earth out, paste it on to a piece of black paper. Put green and blue paint in different areas of the white paper and place the piece of Saran wrap over the paint.

Daycare Activity: Painting Earth with green and blue paint

Step 2: Let your kids press down and squish the paint all over the white paper. Make sure to use a helping hand to help hold down the saran wrap. Otherwise, it will slide all over the paper and your daycare kids will get pain everywhere.

smashing the blue and green paint together to paint Earth
Squishing the paint all over

Step 3: Peel back the saran wrap and see your kiddoes MASTERPIECE! They will be so excited when they see that they painted Earth. Throw the saran wrap away and hang up your artwork.

Super simple to make and an easy clean up for sure!

Painting the planet Earth
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