How To Make My In Home Daycare Stand Out From Other Home Providers

We as small business owners often wonder how to make our business stand out from our competition. It is important to make a list of things that are important to you and then make a list of things that you think would be important to parents. It is important to make sure that you can keep up with the promises that you will make to these parents. Don’t just tell them something to get them to sign up because you will have problems down the road.
These are the top 4 things I think is important when touring parents and trying to get families to enroll into your home daycare.
- Is your home safe and clean?
- Do you provide great communication and interaction with the families?
- What kind of activities and learning do you provide the children?
- Have clear and consistent policies.
Focusing on these areas listed above will help set you apart from other providers. It will help you get a good word of mouth around town.
Is Your Home Safe and Clean?
When parents walk into your home, they are going to want to see clean, organization, and a safe environment for their child to learn and play in. They do not want to walk into a home where it is chaotic and messy. Provide a space where you know parents are comfortable with. These are some of things I have in my home to make sure it is safe for all ages:
- Gate in front of stairwell (it is not mandatory, but it does make life easier and safer. The last thing you want to happen is a child tumble down a stair or two).
- All outlets have covers at all times.
- Windows and doors are locked. I have safety knobs on the handles to all the doors (except the bathroom).
- All cleaning supplies are up and away from children.
- Each child has their own cot or pack & play to sleep in. (We do not share because that isn’t sanitary. I spray them down after each use).
Great Communication and Interactions With Families
It is so important to be upfront, honest, and constantly communicate with families. I as a parent myself want to know what is going on with my children. I tell their teachers I want to hear the good and bad. I give my parents a monthly letter that shows the things we will be learning for the month, any important announcements I need to inform them about, and changes that may happen. It is better to over communicate than to not at all. Parents do appreciate it.
Interacting and communications just need to be positive and open ended. Don’t just be one sided. It is your business, but they are your paying customer. I like to ask how things are going? Is there needs being met? If they are not than I will find out how I can do better. If it is something that I know I cannot do I will let them know. That way they can make the choice to stay or not.
Do You Provide A Curriculum and Learning Activities?
Another huge factor that parents may look into when deciding if they want to enroll with you or not is, do you provide a learning aspect to their child’s day! I let them know I am of course not a preschool or school, but I am going to do my best to help prepare them. I will provide activities that help them learn and grow. There will also be toys in the home that help with gross motor skills and math & manipulative. I am also going for my SUTQ star rating and working on getting a curriculum provided by the state for each age level. Communicating with parents and letting them know you are in the process of working on this and getting more learning curriculum is important. Of course you can make up your own like I did in the mean time.
Do You Have Policies For You Home Daycare?
When you here rules, you automatically thing negative. But, it isn’t. It is great to have policies and rules. It shows that you are taking this job of watching their children and also running a business seriously. Every business has policies. It makes your job easier and your parents too because they know ahead of time when payment is due, what to do if their child gets sick, food and nutrition, and if there is behavioral problems. Parents will either be okay with your policies or they won’t, but they can make that decision from the beginning. I give all my parents a parent handbook before they enroll and ask that they look it over before enrolling.
The Best way to make your home daycare stand out is to allow your parents to walk through your door and just be comfortable and at ease. It is just like if you want to sell your house. You want a buyer to walk into the showing and think to themselves, “This is my home!” Don’t let them walk in and walk right out and say, “This place is gross and disgusting and uncomfortable!”
If you are looking for a checklist on how to start a home daycare, head over to my blog on how I started.