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Tag: daycare

How Much Does A Home Daycare Provider Make In 2022?

How Much Does A Home Daycare Provider Make In 2022?

Of course everyone wants to know, “How much can an in home daycare provider make per year watching kids from their home?” It isn’t a very simple answer. Now if you want to just say I charge X amount and have X amount of kids that I watch and that equals your pay, than great! But, I want to add in the cost of food, rent/utilities, etc. into your revenue as well. So, than you can truly see if what…

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Checklist To Start Your In Home Daycare 2022

Checklist To Start Your In Home Daycare 2022

It is very important to stay organized when you open an in home daycare. The best way to stay organized is to have a checklist. I would make a checklist of everything you have to have to open, things to eventually purchase to stay open, and things that you can hold off for a little bit before opening. This way you are not overwhelmed and spending a lot of money right off the bat. I will give you some examples…

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The 5 Cons To Opening An In Home Daycare 2022

The 5 Cons To Opening An In Home Daycare 2022

When it comes to opening your own in home daycare, it has its pros and it also has its cons. Sometimes, you might not deal with any of these so called, “cons” until later down the road. Or you might have to deal with them right away. You just have to remember that every business has pros and cons. Not one business, whether you own it or not is perfect. Just remember that being a provider isn’t all flowers and…

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How To Budget For Your In Home Daycare Expenses

How To Budget For Your In Home Daycare Expenses

When it comes to running a daycare business from home, it is important to come up with weekly or monthly budget. Keeping track of your revenue vs. expenses is so important. You will want to make sure to come up with a spreadsheet to keep track and hang on to your RECEIPTS! When I do my spreadsheets, I have one spreadsheet for: revenue (income), expenses (utilities, paper products, office supplies), and food expense. You defiantly can do it however you…

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5 Reasons I Should Open an Home Daycare Business in 2022?

5 Reasons I Should Open an Home Daycare Business in 2022?

I get asked this questions a lot. “Should I open an in home daycare (family childcare) right now with how the world is?” My answer is YES!!! This is the perfect time to start your own child care business. Reason 1: Being open and available for working families Even though a lot of families are still working from home, they still need childcare. The nice thing about having an in home daycare for families to choose from is enrollment is…

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What kind of Routine or Schedule Do You Have For Your In Home Daycare 2022?

What kind of Routine or Schedule Do You Have For Your In Home Daycare 2022?

When it comes to running your own in home daycare, you want schedule or routine. Kids thrive off a routine or schedule. It is important that you come up with one to give to your parents day 1. If you don’t have a routine, than you will have chaos in your home. You also might have a schedule written day 1 and find out that by month two its not working. So, you re-write it and come up with a…

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Daycare Activity Painting The Planet Earth in Outer Space

Daycare Activity Painting The Planet Earth in Outer Space

This month our theme at daycare is Outer Space. Today, we talked about the planet we live on, EARTH! This activity is so simple to do with any age and it is completely mess free. I know when I paint with my kiddoes they like to get the paint everywhere. Over the years I have learned that this simple trick helps with any age. I will list this activity step by step on how to complete. What Supplies Do I…

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What Is A Good Policy To Have For An In Home Daycare 2022?

What Is A Good Policy To Have For An In Home Daycare 2022?

When it comes to running a successful in home daycare, it is important to have a policy or policies in place. Here in Ohio, the state does require that you have written information (handbook) for the parents to have. It is important to have these because in the event that something happens or if a parent has a question, you can refer them to your written policy handbook. I have gone back and updated it periodically when something comes up….

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Foil Moons

Foil Moons

This month we were working on the theme All about Space. The kids really enjoyed this theme. One of the activities that we were able to do for all levels of development was foil moons. It is a great activity for infants, toddlers, preschool and school-age kids. In this activity we crumbled up a piece of foil to use to dip into the paint. We mixed black and white paint to make a dark gray. We then took our crumbled…

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What are the Pros and Cons to opening an in home daycare 2022

What are the Pros and Cons to opening an in home daycare 2022

When it comes to opening an in home daycare (family child care) it can be very exciting, but also stressful and discouraging too. I have put together my list of pros and cons. My pros definitely out way my cons which is why I am continuing to run my own in home daycare. I have always been someone who can take the reins and run with it. I ask lots of questions so I know that I am doing everything…

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