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Tag: toddler

What kind of Routine or Schedule Do You Have For Your In Home Daycare 2022?

What kind of Routine or Schedule Do You Have For Your In Home Daycare 2022?

When it comes to running your own in home daycare, you want schedule or routine. Kids thrive off a routine or schedule. It is important that you come up with one to give to your parents day 1. If you don’t have a routine, than you will have chaos in your home. You also might have a schedule written day 1 and find out that by month two its not working. So, you re-write it and come up with a…

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Daycare Activity Painting The Planet Earth in Outer Space

Daycare Activity Painting The Planet Earth in Outer Space

This month our theme at daycare is Outer Space. Today, we talked about the planet we live on, EARTH! This activity is so simple to do with any age and it is completely mess free. I know when I paint with my kiddoes they like to get the paint everywhere. Over the years I have learned that this simple trick helps with any age. I will list this activity step by step on how to complete. What Supplies Do I…

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