What Is A Good Policy To Have For An In Home Daycare 2022?

What Is A Good Policy To Have For An In Home Daycare 2022?

policy handbook for in home daycare

When it comes to running a successful in home daycare, it is important to have a policy or policies in place. Here in Ohio, the state does require that you have written information (handbook) for the parents to have. It is important to have these because in the event that something happens or if a parent has a question, you can refer them to your written policy handbook.

I have gone back and updated it periodically when something comes up. You won’t be able to think of every scenario when you open. There is also no reason to have everything written down either. Just make sure to have the important things to you are written as a policy.

Here are some of the things I have written as a policy in my Parent Handbook:

  • Days and hours that I am open and a daily schedule
  • What holidays are observed and days that you’re closed.
  • Policy on illness and sickness
  • Tuition payments, late fees, and other fees
  • Vacation and Sick policy
  • Screen time, free play, and activities planned
  • Is there transportation provided and to where?
  • What supplies would you like the parents to provide?
  • Do you discipline? How do you deal with bad behavior?

There is so many different things you can touch on that you may feel is important to have in a written policy. It is okay to update it periodically too, but you just want to make sure you update your current families too. Communication is important. Having that communication and open dialogue with your families is going to be a deal breaker for some. I know that I left a daycare because there was no communication.

The end result is going to be, is the parent going to be comfortable leaving their child with you? Make sure they feel comfortable and you feel comfortable too. Having a policy or multiple policies in place is a good thing. You would rather have more than not enough in my opinion.

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