What is the start up cost to opening an in home daycare 2022

What is the start up cost to opening an in home daycare 2022

It does cost money to open an in home daycare
It does cost money to open an in home daycare

When it comes to wanting to open your own in home daycare, it can be as costly. It all depends on how you would like it ran. I am all about finding deals and saving money. It is important to write down and make a list. Make a list of what you have and need in order to open the doors. I made the mistake of thinking I have to have everything in order to run a family child care.

Start off just having the basics. You do not need to have five different kinds of blocks to play with. Start off have two different kinds and build from there. You also don’t have to buy brand new. Yes, make sure that if you buy used that they are not dingy looking, missing pieces, or broken. Facebook marketplace is my go to place to find stuff to buy at a good price. I am also good at finding deals at the store and have couponed for years so I am able to find new items for cheap.

Important start up cost to open your in home daycare

I am going to put a list together of the items I know to be important to have on day 1. Now, what I think is important might be different to what you think is important. Just remember, don’t over think things. What you think you have to have on day 1 might be something you don’t need and can wait until you build up your revenue.

  • Mats, cots, pack & play, or cribs (you do need a space for every child enrolled to have a place to rest for nap time). You can provide these or you can ask that your parents provide them. That is totally up to you. I will attach the link for the ones that I use that I found to be a great deal on Amazon.
  • Baby Gate (If you have a set of stairs, I recommend getting a baby gate installed, otherwise you will be chasing them up and down the stairs. This will prevent any injuries and also keep you sane). The gate I installed was this gate off of Amazon.
  • You will also want to get outlet covers, door knob covers, and locks for the pantry (especially if you have chemicals in them). I just got the baby safety kit from Walmart. It has everything you need to install and baby proof the area you plan on using.
  • Medical First Aid Kit & Flashlight: Check with your local JFS and ask them what all needs to be in your first aid kit. Mine had very specific band-aid sizes, gauze size, etc. in it. There are so many different kinds you can order or you can put together yourself. Which ever is easier for you.
  • Trainings: First Aid & CPR, Communicable Disease, and Child Abuse. Each of those course can range between $50-$75 a course. KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS!! You will be able to write off these expenses when you file your taxes at the end of the year.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Whatever supplies you plan to buy, you will need to make sure that they are clearly labelled with what they have in them and also they will need to be kept out of reach of the children.
  • Insurance: You will need to make sure you get a policy opened for running a daycare. It is very different than your normal home insurance. Most home insurance policy will only cover up to three children at any time. I have three of my own kids, plus I watch six children for my daycare. I had to upgrade my policy.
  • Toys/Supplies: You will want to make sure to have some toys, activities, art supplies, books, etc. for the kids to play with. Buy what you can afford at the time and build on it over the course of time. You don’t need everything on the first day. I do keep my paperwork for the state, kids enrollment information, and my Step Up to Quality Accreditation paperwork all separated. So, I have multiple binders for everything. You do not have to do that.

There could be other start up costs that you may have to pay for. It all depends on the state you live in and what they require to open. Also, when you do calculate your start up costs, it is a good time to decide if you’ll charge a registration fee or annual fee. That money that you get can be put to the side to buy supplies, replace things that get broken, etc.

How much should I save?

When it comes to starting your in home daycare, my advice is to make a list and write down the estimate costs of the items. I did put an excel sheet together and documented everything I bought. You will be able to write these items off on your taxes, but you have to stay organized and keep track of your receipts and expenses. My start up cost was around $790. Yours may be less or it may be more. Just depends on what is required, organization, what is provided, etc.

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